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Pharmaceutical Services

Helping you is what we love to do!

The pharmacist is the medication specialist with in-depth knowledge about various aspects of your health.

It all starts with a consultation.

Prescription of Medications for Certain Health Issues

We can assess and treat many health issues. The list is extensive and evolving, so we recommend consulting with us.

Medication Monitoring and Dosage Adjustments

We adjust your medications to ensure they are effective and safe for you.

Communication with Your Doctor

If your treatment isn't optimal, we can suggest changes to your doctor. We work in collaboration with your other healthcare professionals.

Extension of Your Prescriptions and Health Follow-up

We don't leave you in the lurch, and we prescribe blood tests to ensure the effectiveness and safety of your medications.

Monitoring Your Health Indicators

We analyze various health data such as blood samples, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, saturation rate, and weight.

Orthopedic Center

We have a wide catalog of orthopedic products available in-store or for order. Our specialists will provide you with the right recommendations.

Vaccination and Medication Injections

We recommend and administer the vaccines you need. We can also administer your medications through injections.

Teaching Self-Injection Techniques

We take the time with you to ensure you are comfortable with the administration techniques.

The majority of consultations are without additional charges for patients. Certain conditions and exceptions may apply.

Do you have any questions?

We're here for that! You can easily reach us through secure emails or by phone.